Major Update - Version Beta 1.2

New Features

Player strategy often fell into repeated successful patterns that didn’t require planning or creativity. Combat and Weapons have been reworked to make choices more engaging, and hopefully encourage diversity in strategy and builds.

  • Rooms now have Waves.
    • Each Wave gives more Curse and allows more Monsters to be summoned.
  • Players now select between 2 Paths of 3 Rooms, culminating in a Shop.
  • Added UI Element describing current Room and its effects.
  • Units now preview their Action above their head, allowing encounters to be planned accordingly.
  • Weapons now determine which Actions the Hero can perform, helping them feel distinct and create different playstyles.
  • Weapons now have unique pools of traits they can obtain, helping them feel distinct and create different playstyles.
  • Weapons can be Reforged.
    • Reforging Weapons changes all of it’s Traits, while the Hero retains memorized Traits.
  • Weapons can be Enhanced.
    • Enhancing a Weapon increased its damage by 1.
  • Shops now contain Quests.
    • Quests can be completed within a time limit to obtain rewards at the next Shop.
    • The Hero can have up to 3 Quests at a time.
  • Added 10 Quests, with varying objectives and rewards.
  • Added 22 New Traits, unique to different Weapons.
  • Added 9 New Consumable Items.
  • Added Wound Up Status.
  • Added Necromantic Ritual Status.
  • Added Insectivore Monster Trait.
  • Added Automation Monster Trait.
  • Added Vengeance Monster Trait.
  • Added “Report a Bug” and “Submit Feedback” buttons to the Main Menu.


The existing system of Unit Colours, Mana, and Skills was unintuitive to players and often created confusion, leading to it being ignored. Playtesting also revealed that the system lacked the strategic depth it was designed to have, leading to it being removed altogether in favour of a more intuitive and familiar system.

  • Removed Mana from the game, as it was unclear and lacked depth.
  • Removed Unit/Weapon Colours from the game, as they related to the Mana system.
  • Removed Skills from the game, as they related to the Mana system.
  • Removed Active Items from the game, as they related to the Mana system.
  • Removed 15 Traits that were associated with the Mana system.
  • Removed 4 Consumable Items that were associated with the Mana system.
  • Removed Skeleton Caster and Skeleton Archer Monsters, as they were redundant without the Mana system.
  • Increased the cost of all items to compensate for more GP being collected between Shops.
  • Rare weapons now do increased damage.
  • Hivemind Trait changed to “Acts once per Swarming on the field.”
  • Added “Gains 1 Insightful per attack.” to Spider, Clockwork Spider, Black Widow Monsters.
  • Changed Clockwork Worker Monster to “Gives Clockwork Allies 1 Wound Up each turn.”
  • Added “Applies Necromantic Ritual to non-Skeletons.” to Necromancer Monster.
  • Changed Giant Mushroom Monster to “On death, grant 1 Confusion and 3 Strength to killer.”
  • Removed Lies in Wait Trait from Giant Bat Monster and added Insectivore Trait.
  • Added Automation Trait to Clockwork Fighter, Clockwork Spider Monsters.
  • Added Vengeance Trait to Orc Berserker Monster.
  • Changed Beer Consumable to “Gain 3 Strength 1 Confusion.”
  • Spinner now only appears during combat, reducing visual clutter.
  • Monster UI nodes only appear when selected or targeted, reducing visual clutter.
  • Cards now shrink when hovered over an area they can be placed, increasing visual feedback.
  • Adjusted Tutorial to fit mechanical changes.

Bug Fixes

Given the major changes of this update, many bugs are likely present in this version of the game that will be discovered and fixed over time. Please make use of the “Report a Bug” button if you encounter any problems during gameplay.

  • Shop cards can now be placed anywhere on screen.
  • Tutorials can now appear after restarting the game.

Files 164 MB
95 days ago

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